When Negativity leaves you feeling adrift, we’re here to be your anchor.

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  • 26Year Experience
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Strive to Provide the Best Possible Care

Our Aim is to Empower You to Live the best Life You Can Live. We aim to arrange a secure setting where you can examine concerns, gain good insight, acquire positivity and conquer life’s obstacles. We know that everyone’s situation is exclusive to them and our therapistpossess expertise and experience to assist with any issue.

"Psychology is much larger than curing mental illness or curing diseases. I think it's about bringing out the best in people; it's about positive institutions; it's about strength of character."
Martin EP Seligman

It’s Secure

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It’s Effective

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For better, happier and healthier lives

We feel proud to open our doors to you, No matter what the problem at your hand.

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Therapy for Relationship

Relationship counselling can provide a confidential space where partners can come to talk about their problems without fear of judgement or embarrassment.

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Therapy for Youngsters

An effective way to improve mental health and wellbeingof , and facilitate engagement with studying and learning.

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Therapy for Corporate & Healthcare

We are committed to providing a high-quality service and work closely with our clients to ensure their needs are met in a supportive and professional manner.

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I visited Clinical Psychologist Dr. Indrani Dutta for professional help with the complaints of severe performance anxiety and low self confidence . I consulted her for no. of sessions . Through regular sessions and systematic analysis of my thoughts regarding myself and my surroundings , I could identify the problems and with her guidance gradually I could sorted it out. Anxiety management training helped me a lot to get the feeling of control and reduce anxiety. Previously, I thought I will not be able to overcome this problem. Now I have developed a more realistic way of looking at things. Along with this , I also had a fear of getting sick . I used to worry a lot. I used to go through internet and search for information regarding various diseases, which in turn used to make me more anxious and alert. Following the guideline of my therapist now I am capable of handling those issues efficiently. I found the process of therapy very helpful.

I had always cherished the desire to play mouth organ since my childhood but never had had the opportunity to learn the instrument. After expressing this to my therapist ,I came to know the positive impact of music on mind . The very first gain that I made on taking up music was that there was a sense of fulfillment of a long cherished desire. Music has become a regular part of my schedule thus impacting my Time Management practices positively. Music helps me to focus on something pleasurable and removes my mind from negative thoughts. In fact, I am beginning to feel that my concentration power which was very poor has improved in the recent times.

At one point of my career I was in pursuit of a solution which could have been a fitting answer of my worries generated from the Professional hazards. The remedial measures were urgent because it was disturbing the mental equilibrium which affects the Professional life and the personal life as well. At this junction one of my good friends told me to take refuge of some experts who can help me to get rid of this problem. Then I came to the contact of Dr. Indrani Dutta who showed me some relaxation techniques which yield wonderful results. I have just attended two sessions in which she instructed to follow 23 steps which are supposed to be done in proper sequence giving proper time. Now I feel much better as far as coping with tension and worries are concerned. Other sessions need to be attended to know the other various techniques in various form which are much easy to follow even within working hour or amidst other people. I would like to show my gratitude to Dr.Indrani Dutta for helping me to steer me out of the unpleasant situation

The very first thing that I realised through therapy was that my perception of life was not correct. Problems are inevitable and I have to learn to handle situations tactfully rather than be depressed about the problems in life and avoid confrontations with them. “Relaxation Training” has helped me to reduce my level of anxiety. Regular therapy sessions have helped me to control my emotions during times of excitement which gives the impetus to take the right decisions during crisis. I have always been meek in nature. I have always been easily subdued by people around me. I have realised the need to speak for myself whenever confronted with a situation where people are try to have their way at the cost of my emotions. I am trying to inculcate the habit of being more self assertive. I have also realised the positive effects of structured schedule and physical exercises in my life. As a consequence of the above realisations and practices, I can feel that there is definite positive change in my attitude towards life.

Myself was going through a very bad phase of my life and my son (student of Class IX) was not doing well in studies. I was very anxious, worried and puzzled . I used to get angry very easily. My son’s problem academics as well as emotional problem , used to bother me a lot. Then from a reliable source, I got the reference of Dr Indrani Dutta and consulted her for the above issues . Then through the sessions of therapy , I have learnt a new way of looking at the problems of life .I got more clarity in my thinking. She also showed me a technique of relaxation which helped me a lot. As I have developed some control over my anxiety and as I am well acquainted with the nature of problem my son is going through, my way of dealing with the issues are far better now. My son was also taken to Dr Indrani Dutta, for academic counselling and enhancing motivation level. She has helped to make a structured schedule, following which my son has stopped driven only by his wishes and impulses. Now he can differentiate between ‘need based activity’ and ‘wishful activities’. His motivation is also improved now . As a mother , I would say that I got a definite guideline from my therapist and now I am more confident while dealing with my son’s adolescent issues. Initially his opposition used to irritate me a lot. But now , I can handle it in a far better way.